We are committed to environmental responsibility. All of our greeting cards and paper products are printed locally within a mile of our offices, using carbon-captured sustainable card and paper stock. Our envelopes and biodegradable cellophanes are sourced from Nottingham, and our coasters and placemats are made in Lincolnshire. We actively engage in tree planting on land surrounding our offices to offset our carbon footprint.
We continually strive to reduce our environmental footprint.
- All of our greeting cards and paper products are printed LOCALLY within a mile of our offices, using carbon captured sustainable card and paper stock.
- All greeting cards are produced under the Woodland Carbon Code
- Envelopes our made from 100% recycled and FSC sources and in the UK.
- Wherever possible we up-cycle cardboard packaging for re-use and those boxes we can no longer use are shredded and used for animal bedding which then enters our composting system.
- Old greeting cards are shredded and sent back for repulping.
- All of our gift products are manufactured in the UK.
- A large proportion of our electricity is generated from solar.
- We are continually looking at ways of reducing the use of plastics in packaging and have been trialling NATIVA biodegradable cellophanes on our Bumblee seed greeting cards
- A proportion of profits are directed towards our own tree and hedgerow planting projects with 400 trees in 2021 and 300 in 2022 and the creation of a small wildlife pond. In Hampshire we are involved in a rewilding project, with 70 acres of chalk downland being designated to a naturally regenerated Platinum Jubilee Woodland at Tidgrove
Ethical Trading Policy – Agripix Ltd
Ethical Trading Policy - Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking
1. Introduction
1. 1.1. The Ethical Trading Policy (Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking) policy sets out Agripix Limited ("The Company's") actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chain.
2. 1.2. This policy will be made available to all employees by including it in on our company website (www.sainsburyplaice.co.uk)
2. Responsibilities
1. 2.1. We will take the necessary steps to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chain, labour force or any part of our business.
2. 2.2. We oppose any use of slavery or human trafficking, and we fully support the promotion of ethical and lawful business practices within our workplace.
3. 2.3. We will not tolerate or condone any form of practice that constitutes slavery or human trafficking whatsoever and to this end we shall carry out due diligence and auditing and put in place safe reporting mechanisms.
4. 2.4. We will adhere to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) guidelines in all areas where people are at potential risk.
3. Our Supply Chain and Labour Force
3.1. Our supply chain is an important part of our success and our culture. We expect each of our business partners to conduct their business with the same commitment, and to this end we will assess all suppliers to our business.
3.2. The workplace practices that we expect from ourselves, and our suppliers include:
3.2.1. not to use slave labour, illegal child labour or forced labour
3.2.2. ensuring that the overall terms of employment are voluntary
3.2.3. following all local applicable laws pertaining to minimum age requirements, wages, overtime, and benefits
3.2.4. following all local applicable laws pertaining to the number of hours worked in a seven (7) day week
3.2.5. periodically certifying that they conform to the expectations described above and that all materials incorporated into their products comply with the laws regarding human trafficking and slavery.
3.3. Suppliers must be able to demonstrate compliance with this Policy at the request and satisfaction of the Company.
4. Review
4.1 We will review this policy annually in January
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